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Truth About Tea

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Recently we have detected that a lot of the fake KuabChua tea had been circulated all over the states and in other country so this video is to point out the differences of the two to make sure you know what you are getting.



How good is a good Tea?  Teas are filled in all walks of today’s lives; some teas are not even tea, yet they still carry the name tea to sooth people heart like a good Tea.  Therefore, to manifest the true knowledge so that everyone knows where true tea comes from would reduce mistakes being made for the name given to green tea anymore.

A true tea tree must branch from the tree called Camellia Sinensis.  This tree has been known for about 5000 years.  Many centuries later, this tree has branched to three other tea trees that had been very popular around the world.  Most people know them as Green Tea, Oolong Tea, and Black Tea.  The truth is that these types of teas are not the names of the real tea trees; the people who plant and grow these trees label them to win people’s favors.

The three types of trees that branched off from the Camellia Sinensis are:

  1. The Assam tree: The Assam tree family has over one hundred different species.
  2. The Mien tree: The Mien tree family also as over one hundred different species, and
  3. The Wuliang tree: The Wuliang family has 56 different species.

KuabChua Royal HealTea are made from the Wuliang #17 tree, and the Preferred TeaRai is made from the Wuliang #12 tree of the 56 different species.